Password reset for your B2B Portal INT account

Please note that this is your partner portal identifier ("first name.last name" account).

A successful login to the Partner Portal requires that you have a valid combination of username and password and that your user account is unlocked in the Partner Portal. First, make sure that you have a valid user permission (first name.last name) for the BMW Group Partner Portal.


If you have forgotten your password or your account is lured by too many failed attempts to enter the password, please proceed as follows:

  • Click on the "Reset password" link. You will now be prompted to enter your user ID.
  • Select "Step 1" to get a time-limited (30 min) password. The password will be sent to the email address provided in the account.
  • After clicking on "Next" you now have to enter the time-limited password to get a new password.
  • You can now use the displayed password for a login. You will then be asked to change the password directly


Reset password


Alternatively, please contact your company's master administrator to have a password reset performed.

If your account has been completely suspended by a master administrator, please contact your company's master administrator to unlock it.

Login Partner Portal INT